domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009



This history happens in a magic country, is a land full of mythological creatures dragons, fairies, wizards, unicorns and many others.

But the was a dark kingdom with a black castle, in a tower there was a beautiful princess
with long blonde hair. She has been there because she offended the black magician, he captured the princess in the night and it put into the castle. He also put a big dragon at the enter of the tower and it fastened with a chain.

One day a foreigner listened the history of the dragon and the princess, and quickly runed to the dark castle in his beautiful horse.

His beautiful horse is in fact a black donkey (he is a carpenter, he doesn't have money). He has walked for a month and finally he arrives to the dark kingdom. He listens the noises of the dragon more clearly but something strange happens, he had listened a lot of screams of a girl.

He is thinking a plan to enter the castle but he can't concentrate because the princess has been screaming all the time. he finally decides to enter by a window.

He is in front of the pincess tower and he can listen clearly the voice of the princess.

the princess says:
where is my dinner, I need a comb, nobody is going to wash the floor, I need a bath, I want a new dress the black magician can make a storm but he can't make me a new dress, he is the worst wizard in the world and it continue for hours.

the carpenter takes out his sword, he walks to the tower and he sees the dragon with a chain in his neck. The dragon is in the floor with a headache. the carpenter rises his sword and cut the chain of the dragon. He rides the dragon and they started to fly. they quickly abandon the dark kingdom and the princess still screaming for her whims.

One day the dark magician returns the princess to her home, because he has been ill for her screams, the princess leaves the black castle and all the dark kingdom became a peaceful and dark place. This day is the happiest day in the kingdom, black roses bloom everywhere, witches fly in their broomstick making spells, the ghosts sings, the zombies make a carnibal and the black magician makes a big smile because he can sleep.

The carpenter and the dragon have worked as messengers, they are know as the fastest messengers of the world, they say we can take your letters as fast as a dragon.

They also have taken furniture and sculptures to all the countries, they also have traveled from the desert to the sea in one day and they have helped to make roasted food.

But the princess have been angry with the carpenter. "I'm more pretty than a dragon, he have to pay for prefer a dragon" says the princess. Then she puts a spell to the carpenter and he is thrown to a jail in a strange land.

The dragon disappears, some people says that he becomes into a purple smoke trying to find his friend.

The carpenter is fighting to get his freedom and he is always saying Wait for me dragon, I'll be there soon. We will travel with the moonlight till the morning light again, we deserve justice and revenge and our wishes will come true soon.


My achievement

I graduated of high school in 2003 with emphasis in typing and accounting, I didn't lose a year in the school. I usually was an average student.

I can play a little of keyboard.

I'm an administration student; I haven't lost a subject in my career. I have easiness in math and related subjects, but I have problems with wording, memorizing, concentration and reading.

this is me trying to play led zeppellin's stairway to heaven guitar solo.

this is a demo that I made with the program fruity loops 3 demo.

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

RECIPLE (american cakes)

two eggs, two glasses of milk and one glass of water, two spoonfuls of yeast, some corn flour, and a spoonful of salt.

In a cup mix the eggs with the salt and put milk and a little flour slowly. Then add some water and a little of flour at the same time, until the mix becomes a dough, neither very thick nor very clear. then add the dust of yeast. Put a pan with a little of butter anointed, when this gets hot, put two or three spoonfuls of the dough, when the cakes get golden put some drops of fat around. Take the pan and make the cakes jump to turn around. when the cakes gets golden for all the sides, take them out. Serve it with a little honey to have it with tea or with some butter to have it with chocolate.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009


Colombia is a country with different ecosystems. That difference you can see it in our food, we have tropical fruits like tangerines, oranges and bananas. In the andina region we have potatoes, strawberries, lettuce and carrots, especially from Boyaca and Cundinamarca. In the coast is usually eating fish.

Some unusual foods are they cuy from pasto, and the "hormigas culonas" this are ants with big butts from Santander.

We have chorizos, rellena and empanadas. We have different kinds of empanadas. We have empanadas of meat, cheese, chicken, with egg, and combinations, for example with meat and chicken.

martes, 10 de marzo de 2009


I was on vacations, near Girardot, that morning. I woke up at 7:00. I was walking around the house, when I saw a shadow throught the forest. That shadow looked like a person. I could see this thing for a few seconds, at the moment I felt curious and a little scared.

Then my cousin Andres told me a story about a monkey. That monkey disapeared one day, some people told that this monkey died by a rock threw by someone. Maybe Andres was playing me a joke.

This thing could have been the monkey of girardot or was an imagination trick. I was 8 or 10 years old, when I was a child I had an active imagination maybe was that or was the monkey of girardot. It's still a mistery to me.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

pg 17 workbook

ast saturday I went to a new restaurant. It's called "the water garden" an it opened __a lot__of weeks ago. NOt ___much___ people know it yet, but it is slowly becoming quite popular.
It's a big restaurant and has a big garden, big ___chairs__ to seat over a hundred people.

There _____are____ big, round tables and leather sofas and chairs. Homewever, someof the chairs aren't comfortable ____enough_____ . There are also lots ___of____ beautifulpictures from around the world on the wall, which give you the feeling of being somewhereabroad.

Now, about the food. There's a great variety of dishes. I tried the "onion soup" as astarter and _____it_____ was delicious. Homewever, the seafood in white herb sauce wasn't that great. It was ____very____ spicy. I didn't eat ___a little of it but then I ordered___a___ meat pie. It was mmm, delicious¡ for dessert, I had their special exotic fruit salad.It was fantastic¡
Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the service. It was ____very_______ slow. Thereweren't ____any____ waiters and I waited for ___a____ hour for my dinner. As for the prices,I have to say it was a ___few___ expensive. Also, there wasn't ____any____ music playing,so the restaurant is only for those of you who want to enjoy a quiet evening.
In general, I think "the water garden" ___is___ great for a night out ___with___ your familyor friends. So why not give it a try?


My name is Jairo Alonso Zornosa Rivera. I Was born in bogota colombia, I'm 22 years old, I'm living with my parents Gloria Rivera and Jairo Zornosa.

My mother is a housewife most of the time she also works as weaver. My father is an industrial mechanic, he has worked for alpina, bavaria, tampico, algarra, and many others. I don't have any brothers or sisters.

I'm single and Don't have any children. My family is big because I have many uncles, aunts, cousins and their sons. I

In my high school I learned typing, technical drawing and accounting.

I'm an administration student at Universidad cooperativa de colombia. I'm doing my professional practice at Dian, in the devolutions department.

I can type and know how to work programs such word, acces, power point, fruity loops (music software) and internet.

I took some lessons of keyboards and music. I learned to play drums by myself.

I like electronic pop dance music, 80's music, heavy and power metal.
My favourite movies are comedies

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009